Travel Consultations

With Estelle

Get 1:1 help to travel more, travel better and travel for less using points.

What service is right for you?

Each package starts with a free, no-obligation 15-minute consultation to assess your needs and whether I am best placed to help you.

Points Strategy


Top features

  • Goal setting for your dream trip.
  • Individualised action plan.
  • Tailoured recommendations for earning points.

Points Redemption


most popular

  • Reward flight research & searches done for you.
  • If required, recommendations and planned redemptions based on purchased points.
  • Time saved as all research and planning is done for you.

Custom Package

from £300

Top features

  • Flight redemptions for groups of 3+.
  • Planning for special occassions such as honeymoons.
  • Flights & hotel planning.
  • Multi-city itineraries.
  • For travels with and without points.


Who are these consultations for?

Currently, consultations focusing on points strategy are only offered for those living in the UK. This is specifically for those who are new to points and want a tailored step-by-step action plan for earning points, intending to use these points for travel.

Points redemption & custom consultations are for individuals who want to save time & energy when it comes to planning trips, regardless of where you live in the world.

Points redemption consultations are suited for individuals who have accumulated points and want hassle-free redemptions, with all the planning and research done by me. Alternatively, this service is also suited for those who do not have any points but would like to buy points to use on business class flights and would like me to advise on what points to buy for the best value and complete the research and planning for flights.

What do the consultations include?

A free, initial 15-minute no-obligation video call to assess your needs and preferences.

A 1-hour online video call and its recording. This is where your personalised points strategy or points redemption is discussed.

A written document with outcomes, plan or itinerary will be provided after the 1-hour call.

Follow-up questions will be answered and any adjustments will be made within 1 week of the 1-hour call.

How do I set up a consultation?

Click the "Book Now" button to book the 15-minute consultation. You'll be taken to a calendar booking page where you can choose a 15-minute slot. Please also fill out the questionnaire at the time of booking.

If we both agree that my service is a good fit for your needs, you can choose a convenient time for the full 1-hour session. In the meantime, I will conduct research and construct your personalised strategy, action plan or itinerary.

How much is the consultation?

The initial, no-obligation 15-minute consultation is free.

Points strategy - £150

Points redemption - £200

Custom package - from £300